Malin to Mizen Challenge in Aid of Cliona’s Foundation


[Fundraiser]  IMS are raising funds for Cliona’s Foundation.

Employees of Integrated Media Solutions will take part in a running/walking challenge covering the distance of Malin head (Co Donegal, Irelands most northerly point) to Mizen Head (Co Cork, Irelands most southerly point) 600Km in total during the month of June. Please share our GoFundMe page and nominate others to join in the fun.

GoFundMe Page >> Click here

Cliona’s Foundation Website >> Click here

Cliona’s  Foundation   is the only charity that provides  nationwide  direct financial   assistance to families to help with the multiple non-medical  costs of caring for their seriously sick child.

Cliona’s was founded by Brendan & Terry Ring  in  2007 following the death of their own daughter Cliona at 15 following 8 years of  treatment for an inoperable brain tumour

During this time they met parents struggling financially with the hidden costs of looking after their sick child and saw first-hand the enormous toll it took on these families

Parents of these children are away from home for long periods of time while they care for their child-paying for accommodation, food, transport,having to take time out of work, pay childminders to look after their other children and also have to purchase specialized equipment. There is no direct state support available for these families.

For most of these families one parent leaves their job to be with their sick child so their household income is significantly reduced but there expenditure has increased

It is estimated that it costs an additional €10,000 per annum   to care for a child  with a life limiting  illness.

For some families it is the harsh reality that they cannot afford to be by their sick child’s bedside while in hospital due to the associated costs.

The Foundation has provided financial assistance to 782   families across 29 Counties in Ireland since 2007of which 148 were in 2019 and 41 families this year to date

The Foundation receives no state support and is solely dependent on fundraising events, private and corporation donations and charity partnerships.

Cliona’s believes no family should suffer financially when caring for a seriously ill child

Family feedback received only last week


You kindly gave up a fund once for helping us with our son – thank you 

I just wanted to let you know that he passed away unexpectedly and suddenly a few months ago 

We are heartbroken and trying to deal with it all emotionally, mentally and financially 

We are in debt over €50000 due to all the extra expense of him, he was very complex medically, our esb was usually €700 with fuel for van due to maybe 2 appointments a week in Crumlin (we live in Galway) another €600 as well as the constant hospital emergency stays and transfers to Dublin 
from 2 nights to months at a time 

I won’t change a thing and still wish he was here causing us more worries then gone

What you do and highlight is hugely important 


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